Monday 1 June 2009


Mr Malt adds some finishing touches

We rustled together some pieces for a new project "bare Bones".

Providing bespoke written/ranted/drawn/cut/carved/copied work.
Profile, interview and portrait of a featured artist.
Curated, funded and distributed quarterly by it’s contributors.
We are not in this for the greater good, this is a coin-op co-op.
There are no flies on us.

Barely another bright eyed example of the present trend for non-electronic human communication,
this is a modern day Jack London loitering about in the rough heat of the self promotional art ego wasteland.
The scaffold on which were are hung, temporarily it supports us but will inevitably crumble like old bones and end up a pile of spidery dust.

Grab this bullshit by the horns and hop onto our tabloid eye junket.
Consider this timely opportunity for you to loaf and invite inspiration straight into
your hands.

Dismiss it at your peril, remain your own worst enemy, snatch up a
London-Metro-Lite-Paper and shuffle on.
By answering only to ourselves and supporting each other we are our own best friends and future.
Put Bare Bones in your pipe and smoke it.

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